Here's where I'll blog about games I've played!


10/09/23- Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

Backloggd Review


Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed is the DLC for XBC 3 and it absolutely blew me away. I have been on a 5 month long binge
of the Xeno series and it has been a great time. I started with Xenogears for the PSX and I adored it. It's such a stinky little PSX JRPG with a
ridiculous plot that is made even more ridiculous when you take time to read the book
(pictured here). I loved (and still love) Xenogears to death. After Gears, I jumped right into
Xenosaga which is an insane trilogy. Xenosaga I perfectly sets up the plot and
Xenosaga II expands more on the characters Jr., Albedo, Gaignun, and their father
Dmitri Yuriev (this guy will be important later). Xenosaga III is a perfect conclusion to
everything and it has my second favorite moment in the entire series. After that, I jumped
into Xenoblade. 1 is great, 2 is fine, and 3 is a masterpiece (except for the chain attack
music). Future Redeemed was my conclusion. As it is the most recent game and also the
end to my binge, it was a huge moment. I'm happy to say that I LOVED IT. The combat?
Phenomenal. The exploration? Phenomenal. The unique monster names? Phenomenal.
Fanservice? Phenomenal. Monkey jumpscare? Phenomenal...? Chapter 5 made me pick
up my chair and throw it when they mentioned Yuriev and the radio itself bearing the
Vector Industries logo made me go insane. The area itself looked a lot like Miltia too
which was also insane. The Alpha fight is my favorite moment in the entire series and the
MUSIC DUDE THE MUSIC WAS SO GOOD. Monolith getting Joanne Hogg from Gears to sing
the credits song was amazing (Small of Two Pieces was my favorite Xeno credits song
until I heard Future Awaits). Finally, the post credits scene with the star (that is 100%
KOS-MOS) falling towards a newly formed world HAD ME SCREAMING. JESUS CHRIST TAKASHI
YOU FUCKING MAD MAN YOU HAVE RUINED ME. All of this to say, Future Redeemed is an easy
10/10 and I love it so much. I guess I'm a Xeno fan and I am so excited to see what Takashi
and Monolith have in store for us next. Hopefully something to do with KOS-MOS rock :0.